• New Videoclip for Forelock!

    Forelock, the voice of the Sardinian band Arawak has published the music video of Young Messenjah, a one drop song that anticipates the release of his solo album on the 1st October. The production of the song is by DJ Afghan for the Soulove Records while the direction of the music video is by Diego Capomagi Barabba and Emilio Canu. The location chosen for the video is Portoferro beach in Sardinia.
    While we are waiting for the new album, here is the link of Young Messenjah from the official channel of the Soul Love Records. Big up Forelock!

    Forelock, voce della band sarda Arawak, pubblica il videoclip di Young Messenjah, una one drop song che anticipa l’uscita del suo album solista il prossimo 1 ottobre. La produzione del brano è stata affidata a Dj Afghan per l’etichetta Soulove Records, mentre la regia del videoclip è ad opera di Diego Capomagi Barabba e Emilio Canu. La location scelta è Portoferro Beach in Sardegna. Nell’attesa di poter ascoltare per intero il suo nuovo disco, vi linkiamo il videoclip di Young Messenjah sul canale ufficiale della Soul Love Records. Big up Forelock!

  • Forelock & Arawak - Zero (La Tempesta Dub)

    "Zero" is a 12 tracks album and it marks the debut of Forelock & Arawak, who are starting a new chapter in the italian reggae music. It is produced by Paolo Baldini (sound engineer for Mellow Mood, Dubfiles, Tre allegri ragazzi morti and benchmark for the reggae music in Italy).

    Steel Pulse, Juba Lion and Dennis Bovell are the big artists partecipating in this adventure. The projects is labeled " La Tempesta Dub" , a Tempesta Dischi's sub-label.

    The passion for upbeat music and the celebration of the Jamaican culture are explicied in the seventh track “Raverz", where Arawaks not only arranged a cover of one of the most memorable Steel Pulse's masterpieces, but also involved the singer David Hinds himself. The result is a real reggae party.

    The real protagonists of the whole album are Forelock's extraordinary vocal skills that come out from the bounderies of the musical genre in songs like "Mother's Blood" or "Global Backfire". This last one rapresents a fierce and harsh criticism of our global system and is also one of the most intense vocal tracks included in "Zero".
    The album has been anticipated by the single "A Ah Wha We Wait For", another vivid critique to our modern society that is dedicated to those who prefer to stay still instead of opposing.

    “Zero”, the debut album of Forelock & Arawak, is out now via La Tempesta Dub label. Check it out!