Happy 70th Birthday Bob! Acapella version of "Bob Marley Israel 70 Birthday Celebration" Artists! All Vocals - No Instruments! Check it out!

Produced by: Guy Dreifuss (Afficoman) and Shmulik Bar-Dan
Directed Filmed & Cut by: Alon Segal - http://Alonsegal.com/
Music Production: Amit Sagie
Vision and additional editing: Guy Dreifuss
Production: Adi Ezer
Special thanks: House of Marley Israel
Thanks to all the artists and people that participated:
Alon Landa, Amit Sagie, Gadi Altman, Odelia Oknin, Ohad Rein, Oren Wilson, Shira Chen, Tony Ray, Urijah Gazit, Yonathan Liner.