Lion Roar è il nuovo videoclip di Ras Muhamad

Ras Muhamad ha pubblicato da pochi giorni il suo terzo album dal titolo Salam. Il primo singolo, estratto da questo bellissimo album di grande new-roots, si chiama Lion Roarcantata sull’ African Children Riddim, una recente produzione Oneness Records di grande successo. Il videoclip della song è da poco in rete e ha già ottenuto tantissime visualizzazioni. Salam, album intenso e poliglotta, cantato in inglese, patois e in bahasa, la lingua natia dell’artista di Jakarta, contribuirà al successo di Ras Muhamad anche in occidente. Vi linkiamo il videoclip di Lion Roar sul canale ufficiale YouTube del singjay rasta indonesiano, e vi invitiamo ad ascoltare questo album capolavoro su Spotify. Listen!


About the Author

Ras Muhamad

Ras Muhamad

With the release of 2007’s “Reggae Ambassador”, Ras Muhamad is breaking new frontier by premiering & introducing the 1st Dancehall Reggae sound to the Southeast Asian market.
and now the 2nd album has born and ready to lead you to somewhere that more Roots & culture, the new one and fresh from the oven, bring a lot of experiences for the youth. 2009's "NEXT CHAPTER more Roots & Culture, Bring Local to Global.
Hailing from Indonesia, Ras Muhamad is a representative & an ambassador for his country’s Reggae music. It is one of his mission to accomplish & establish an international relationhip between Reggae artists worlwide… from Jamaica to Indonesia.
With a strong musical background & knowledge that he learned during his decade-long stay in New York City, “the Ras” wants Indonesian music…specifically its urban music to be exposed to its neighboring countries & be equally respected by the western hemisphere.
Pushing the Indonesian Urban Sound light years ahead, Ras Muhamad is accompanied by HipHop Produceer WIZ, for its Grand sound & Wizardry in the mixing board & productions.

Now, Ras Muhamad is a producer and also a host for Jamaican Sound program in local radio: Mustang 88 FM. He's running the show every Tuesday at 7 - 8pm. on progress become 2 hours jamming-tune. STAY TUNE! Every session is a lessons. Full Jamaican music for all humanity.


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